181,30 lei
Sir Edmond este un brand fondat in Amsterdam in anul 2016 avand la baza o idee simplă: să creeze un gin care să iasă în evidență și să fie cu adevărat diferit, unic, versatil și plin de caracter fiind singurul gin cu infuzie de vanilla Bourbon din lume!
Numele ginului nostru este un omagiu adus lui Edmond Albius, cel care la varsta de 12 ani a descoperit metoda polenizarii manuale a orhideei de vanilie, ingredientul principal al produsului nostru. Aceasta metoda este folosita cu succes si in zilele noaste.
Cea mai bună vanilie din lumea vine de pe insula Reunion. Este cunoscut sub numele de Vanilla Bourbon, principalul nostru ingredient. Cercetările științifice arată că 80% din populație are o emoție pozitivă față de vanilie și, prin urmare, este cel mai iubit ingredient pe pământ.
De asemenea Vanilia Bourbon, este un ingredient folosit de bucătarii cu stele Michelin pentru a crea magie culinară.
Crearea extractului perfect de vanilie înseamnă echilibru. 99% din produsele de vanilie din lume nu contin adevarata vanilie, doar 1% din vanilia aclamată este o adevărată vanilie provenită de la o plantă.
Nu contine aditivi artificiali, este folosit numai alcool de calitate si contine doare ingrediente naturale : vanilie bourbon, ienupăr, rădăcină de angelica, scorțișoară și cardamon.
Multiplu medaliat in categoria de gin.
Alcoolemie: 40%
Tara de originie: Tarile de Jos
© 2020 O marca inregistrata Nordic Group toate drepturile rezervate
Lauren –
Wished I had found this Sir Edmond Gin earlier. Perfect for a Gin & Tonic or in a cocktail when I feel like putting a little more effort in when I invite my friends over.
Max –
Love the unique flavor of vanilla in it! Makes it sweet in a nice and subtle way.
Catalina –
Perfect gin to drink or to combine. I’m hooked to the subtle rich vanilla flavour. Would recommend this gin!
Ties Besling –
Truly one of a kind. The brand, their vanilla infused gin and their drinks. I am a huge fan of Sir Edmond gin.
Sabine B. –
This gin is amazing. From taste to their online visibility. Just wauw. Absolutely recommend!
Savanna –
My friends and I are such big fans. This gin is unique in everything. Definitely recommend to everybody. You will never want anything else.
Rosa –
What a delicious taste! I am a huge fan. My favorite is the strawberry with mint.
Gaby –
Rarely had such a nice gin. My favorite is with strawberry and mint.
Chris –
This gin is highly recommended for people who do not like a bitter taste. This gin is sweet in a subtle way.
Joy –
Normally not a gin lover, but this gin is really super tasty! Especially the serve with strawberry and mint is my favorite!
Kiara D. –
Wonderful taste, wonderful meat and gave lifestyle! This brand has it all.
Jens –
A big fan over here. My friend got my this bottle for my gin cabinet and it has been the star of my collection ever since. This taste is just amazing.
Barry –
Rarely drunk such a tasty gin! My favourite is with orange and cinnamon.
Demi –
The vanilla is obvious but does not overwhelm the juniper. The mellowing effect of the vanilla is countered by the cardamom, cinnamon and ginger. The vanilla makes it such an unique taste. I love it!
Bryan –
Wat een bijzondere gin! Sir Edmond is echt anders dan andere gin merken. Daarnaast is het verhaal rondom Sir Edmond heel interessant. Ik kan deze gin alleen maar aanraden.
Karin –
Beste gin ooit !! Nog nooit zo’n gin geproefd, absoluut mijn favoriet.
Esmee –
The taste, the bottle, the story, everything is right with Sir Edmond Gin.
Jill –
Heerlijke gin! Ik wil nooit meer anders!
Tina –
What a lovely gin. This is really an absolute must. Anyone who doesn’t like the bitter taste of jenever, this is the product you should have. The vanilla gives those sweet notes to the gin, delicious!
Melany –
I have been following Sir Edmond Gin on Instagram for a while and their whole appearance is really beautiful. I recently ordered a bottle and even the bottle is beautiful, just as the taste. I can recommend this gin (brand) to everyone!
Pien –
Heerlijke gin! De smaak is erg uniek. Wie houdt er nou niet van vanille?
Luca –
Sir Edmond Gin is really my favorite gin at the moment. After tasting this delicious sweet taste, I don’t want anything else!